WPS – Using esAdmin.sh to unlock the locked messages in the event sequencing queue

Sometimes, WPS event sequencing works not very well, and some messages are locked there and blocked the other messages to continue to process, using the esAdmin.sh to unlock or delete locks

Usage: esAdmin [-h hostname] [-p soapPortNumber] method parameters where hostname=’localhost’ and soapPortNumber=8880 by default.
Available methods are :
listLocks moduleName
listLocks moduleName componentName
listLocks moduleName componentName methodName
deleteLocks moduleName
unlock lockId

listAll is used to list all locked messages
unlock lockId will be used to unlock one locked messages. lockId can be acquired using listAll command.
deleteLocks is used to delete all lockes related to one module. remember that the application need to be stopped before using deleteLocks. the module name is SCA module name, not application name.

for example: esAdmin.sh deleteLocks moduleName

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